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She nonchalantly thumbed through the pages...right there in front of me. As she turned the pages, her arm moved those lovely tits around and it was pretty hard to ignore them. When I tried to grab the magazine from her hands, she got a good look at what I’d been attempting to hide. She pulled the magazine out of reach before I could grab it and she stared at my dick again."You have to go now...” I told her as I tried to cover myself again. “...Please." {It might seem like I should have just gotten dressed real quick, but the fact is, I can’t think of a good reason why I didn’t. In my defense…I had a lot on my mind and I kinda felt like a rambunctious puppy trying to negotiate a sharp turn on a linoleum floor. I was just spinning wheels. In hind-sight, I believe I wanted to show her my dick and see what would happen.}"From the looks of it, I better go, huh..." She threw the magazine on my bed and brought her hands up to her tits the same way she had in the kitchen; halfheartedly. We were having a good time and she was loving the people watching. Stacy was wearing a bikini and leaning back on both arms with her eyes scanning everyone in sight. All of a sudden without any warning or discussion, she sat up, undid her bikini top and sat back again propped up on her arms.I was speechless. Number one, this was my 17 year old sister and number two those were some very lovely tits and I didn’t know whether to look or not and what to say. “Did I embarrass you? Are you grossed out?”“Well, you shocked me that’s for sure. I’m not grossed out at all. They are very nice. . . . it’s just weird. Give me a minute or two and I’ll be over the shock and I’ll be fine”.Stacey said, “I can put my top back on if it bothers you”. “No, no I said I’m fine. I just wasn’t expecting it that’s all.”“So it’s okay for me to keep it off”. “Yes”, I replied. And I really did want her to keep it off. I couldn’t stop looking at them, at her.“You’re probably really going.
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